A man will do more for his stubbornness than for his religion or his country. – E. W. Howe
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Thus a man was born into a fixed relation to certain gods as surely as he was born into a relation to his fellow-men and his religion… was simply one side of the general scheme of conduct prescribed for him by his position as a member of society. – William Robertson Smith
I read Christopher McDougalls book Born to Run. If running were a religion, this would be its bible. I actually scribbled my favorite passages on my arm to read during the race. – Jennifer Carpenter
God expects from men something more than at such times, and that it were much to be wished for the credit of their religion as well as the satisfaction of their conscience that their Easter devotions would in some measure come up to their Easter dress. – Robert South
I show them the funny part, the silly part, the laughing part, the crazy part and then the really deep, deep part where Im talking from my heart to these people. Because Ive been through everything theyve been through. – Richard Simmons
It is utterly false and cruelly arbitrary to put all the play and learning into childhood, all the work into middle age, and all the regrets into old age. – Margaret Mead