But I will agree that I think that things happen with people in re

But I will agree that I think that things happen with people in relationships, that you might have been able to enjoy Morocco, say, if you werent getting out of a bad marriage. You know what I mean? – Robert Downey, Jr.

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Marriage? Its like asparagus eaten with vinaigrette or hollandaise, a matter of taste but of no importance. – Francoise Sagan


I know one husband and wife who, whatever the official reasons given to the court for the break up of their marriage, were really divorced because the husband believed that nobody ought to read while he was talking and the wife that nobody ought to talk while she was reading. – Vera Brittain


Before marriage, a girl has to make love to a man to hold him. After marriage, she has to hold him to make love to him. – Marilyn Monroe


Our marriage is grounded in the word of God. Thats really it. God is the core of our marriage, and the foundation and the blueprint for it is how we live, and being open and honest and communicating, but ultimately doing what pleases God, and not in a selfish manner. – Candace Cameron Bure


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When you throw dirt, you lose ground. – Texan Proverb

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It is with flowers, as with moral qualities: the bright-coloured are sometimes poisonous; but, I believe, never the sweet-smelling. – Augustus William Hare and Julius Charles Hare, Guesses at Truth, by Two Brothers


It is my contention that civil disobediences are nothing but the latest form of voluntary association, and that they are thus quite in tune with the oldest traditions of the country. – Hannah Arendt


Propaganda has a bad name, but its root meaning is simply to disseminate through a medium, and all writing therefore is propaganda for something. Its a seeding of the self in the consciousness of others. – Elizabeth Drew
