Quote by Duffy Daugherty
When your are playing for the national championship, its not a mat

When your are playing for the national championship, its not a matter of life or death. Its more important than that. – Duffy Daugherty

Other quotes by Duffy Daugherty

Football is not a contact sport. It’s a collision sport. Dancing is a good example of a contact sport. – Duffy Daugherty

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Sports :: Football

Youre never guaranteed about next year. People ask what you think of next season, you have to seize the opportunities when theyre in front of you. – Brett Favre

Yeah, maybe if we make that extra point we go into overtime … But if I make that last throw, thats what Brett Favre is all about. … When called upon, I expect to make those plays. So, yeah, I feel like I let this team down. – Brett Favre

Few people get to earn a living at what they like to do and there are hazards in any profession. Football is something I was made for. I gave the game all I could for as long as I could. I guess my only regret was that my career was too short. – Dick Butkus

I really believe this team has a lot of potential – whether its this year or in years to come, I dont know. – Brett Favre

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