Quote by Charles Stanley
When we take our eyes off the whirl of day-to-day activity and con

When we take our eyes off the whirl of day-to-day activity and concentrate on honoring Him and following in His way, we find a consistent peace that carries us through both plenty and poverty. – Charles Stanley

Other quotes by Charles Stanley

Hope founded upon a human being, a man-made philosophy or any institution is always misplaced… because these things are unreliable and fleeting. – Charles Stanley

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The difficulties we face originate from one of three sources. Some are sent to us by the Lord to test our faith, others are the result of Satans attacks, and still others are due to our own sinful choices. – Charles Stanley

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Im convinced that the man who has learned to meditate upon the Lord will be able to run on his feet and walk in his spirit. Although he may be hurried by his vocation, thats not the issue. The issue is how fast his spirit is going. To slow it down takes a period of time. – Charles Stanley

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He insulted me, he cheated me, he beat me, he robbed me — those who are free of resentful thoughts surely find peace. – Buddha


We must concentrate not merely on the negative expulsion of war but the postive affirmation of peace. – Martin Luther King, Jr.


We belong to the camp of peace. We believe in peace. We believe that our one God wishes us to live in peace and wishes peace upon us, for these are His teachings to all the followers of the three great monotheistic religions, the Children of Abraham. – King Hussein I


You can set up whatever negotiations or structure you want, but until the Palestinians are willing to accept the fact, as the majority of Israelis do, that there should be two states between the Jordan and the Mediterranean, we wont have peace. – Charles Schumer


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All I have seen teaches me to trust the creator for all I have not seen. – Ralph Waldo Emerson


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