Quote by Gwyneth Paltrow
What Ive learned is I want to enjoy my life, and food is a big par

What Ive learned is I want to enjoy my life, and food is a big part of it. – Gwyneth Paltrow

Other quotes by Gwyneth Paltrow

Even actresses that you really admire, like Reese Witherspoon, you think, Another romantic comedy? You see her in something like Walk the Line and think, God, youre so great! And then you think, Why is she doing these stupid romantic comedies? But of course, its for money and status. – Gwyneth Paltrow

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Beauty fades! I just turned 29, so I probably dont have that many good years left in me. – Gwyneth Paltrow

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My dad always said he couldnt remember a time when I did not want to act. – Gwyneth Paltrow

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When Im filming, survival requires movement. You need your energy, and youve got to eat the bad stuff, and survival food is rarely pretty, but you kind of do it. I get in that zone, and I eat the nasty stuff, but Im not like that when Im back home. – Bear Grylls


We use competitive markets to arrange for delivery of our food supply. – Kenneth Lay


Im the only girl on The Food Network who grills – I have two bestselling grilling books. I try to really focus on what men and women can do outside together out on the grill. I think its really fun to have men and women out there together, having fun, working and enjoying themselves. – Sandra Lee


Instead of going out to dinner, buy good food. Cooking at home shows such affection. In a bad economy, its more important to make yourself feel good. – Ina Garten


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