I went and took golf lessons so Dad would let me play with him. I

I went and took golf lessons so Dad would let me play with him. I was just terrible… but I was able to have a wonderful time just walking around with Dad. I can see the real pleasure of that game. – David Hyde Pierce

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I am the granddaughter of a Welsh coal miner who was determined that his kids get out of the mines. My dad got his first job when he was six years old, in a little village in Wales called Nantyffyllon, cleaning bottles at the Colliers Arms. – Ann Romney


I stayed in Baghdad every summer until I was 14. My dads sister is still there, but many of my relatives have managed to get out. People forget that there are still people there who are not radicalized in any particular direction, trying to live normal lives in a very difficult situation. – Andy Serkis


Not much shocked me. You know, I worked in a home for Alzheimers patients and my dad used to be really into murders and stuff, so I saw dead bodies. It desensitised me to a lot of things. – Ellie Goulding


Mum and dad thought I was going to say I was pregnant. I said oh no, no, Ive just been nominated for a Golden Globe. They were like, oh thats lovely, love. – Melissa George


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Anyone who says they have only one life to live must not know how to read a book. – Author unknown


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Theres something pleasing about large, well-lit spaces. I love that dealers are willing to take massive chances in order to give this much room to their artists. Most of all, I love that more galleries showing more art gives more artists a shot. – Jerry Saltz


It is generally recognised that women are better than men at languages, personal relations and multi-tasking, but less good at map-reading and spatial awareness. It is therefore not unreasonable to suppose that women might be less good at mathematics and physics. – Stephen Hawking
