Quote by Kal Penn
The water cooler conversation in every job Ive had is sports, its

The water cooler conversation in every job Ive had is sports, its what did you do this weekend, its How are your parents doing? – Kal Penn

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I know my strengths. Painfully aware of the weaknesses. Theres many. I love sports. So working towards a common goal, thats exciting to me. – Kathy Ireland


We coaches have to learn how to deal with that: How do I get to each one best – with a talk, with video analysis? And what sort of tone? We need our own coaches for that. The sports psychologist coaches me too. – Jurgen Klinsmann


The biggest lesson from Africa was that lifes joys come mostly from relationships and friendships, not from material things. I saw time and again how much fun Africans had with their families and friends and on the sports fields they laughed all the time. – Andrew Shue


I would never encourage my children to be athletes – first because my children are not athletes and second because there are so many people pushing to get to the top in sports that 100 people are crushed for each one who breaks through. This is unfortunate. – Bill James


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