Col. Shaffer is prohibited by his lawyer from talking. Hes at great risk. They want to take away his pay and his health care benefits so they can hold it over his head and not allow him to talk while hes under suspension. This is not America. – Curt Weldon
I think the first and principle objective is to repeal Obamacare before it does lasting, fundamental damage to our health care system, to our individual liberty, to the relationship each of us has with his or her doctor. – Ted Cruz
Almost everything that distinguishes the modern world from earlier centuries is attributable to science, which achieved its most spectacular triumphs in the seventeenth century. – Bertrand Russell
Voyagers discover that the world can never be larger than the person that is in the world; but it is impossible to foresee this, it is impossible to be warned. – James Baldwin
As long as she is talented enough and passionate about doing it herself then I will be happy and support her. I think I will be sensible – my parents said I could only do it if I got my education and so I had something to fall back on. – Anna Friel