Quote by Matthew Bourne
Im very conscious that I want the dance audience to respond and re

Im very conscious that I want the dance audience to respond and respect what Im doing, so Im always very true to the music and I honour the music in the way I see it – I dont mess around with the music. – Matthew Bourne

Other quotes by Matthew Bourne

When it comes down to it, its giving people a good night out in a basic way and I think my company guarantees that. Theres always something new and something to excite us and surprise us, and thats why people come back, I hope. – Matthew Bourne

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People know that theyre going to see something which is entertaining but challenging as well because of the form its in. Its dance theatre and it requires you to use your imagination – its not straight forward. – Matthew Bourne

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It is still a surprise when people tell me that Ive had an influence on them, particularly when its someone I really respect. – Bonnie Raitt


I believe acting is very physical, and when you have to fight or do those kinds of things, it takes a lot of respect not to allow yourself to go off and hurt yourself or someone else. – Giancarlo Esposito


At the time of Polaroid – and I did a couple of other commercials just before I stopped doing that stuff – at that point I was at the level where they respect you and your opinion and all that sort of thing. – Jim Henson


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