Quote by Ellie Goulding
Its usually a big kind of vent of frustration or anger or sadness

Its usually a big kind of vent of frustration or anger or sadness that puts me in the right frame of mind to write. Its such a cliche to say that artists write when theyre down, but its true for me. Its a relief to get out whats eating away at my heart or my soul or my head. – Ellie Goulding

Other quotes by Ellie Goulding

The only day I remember of my parents marriage was the day my dad walked out. As I stood there at five years old, with my older sister and younger brother, I knew that he was gone. – Ellie Goulding

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Men are wary of me because they know, by listening to my music, that a relationship with me will be quite deep. – Ellie Goulding

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I maintain that when I finally retire from my career in music, I will go and live back in Wales – when I am an old person, if I live to be an old person. The water I miss, and the air, theres something different about it. And I miss the simple life. – Ellie Goulding

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The components of anxiety, stress, fear, and anger do not exist independently of you in the world. They simply do not exist in the physical world, even though we talk about them as if they do. – Wayne Dyer


Always write angry letters to your enemies. Never mail them. – James Fallows


The reason why I love people, and writing about them, is because they dont always respond with hate and anger. If they did I wouldnt have a story to tell. Who wants to know about someone who was brutalised and became brutal? Im interested in the exceptions. – Chris Cleave


Anyone can become angry – that is easy. But to be angry with the right person, to the right degree, at the right time, for the right purpose, and in the right way; this is not easy. – Aristotle


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