Quote by Tab Hunter
I turned into a workaholic to the point of where my health was in

I turned into a workaholic to the point of where my health was in jeopardy. – Tab Hunter

Other quotes by Tab Hunter

A lot has been written about Tony Perkins and myself and I figured, Lets get it straight. I had a relationship with Tony for two to three years, but those are only threads in the tapestry of my whole life. – Tab Hunter

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Rock Hudson wasnt my type. Hes a great guy and had a great sense of humor. – Tab Hunter

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I dont care whether people like me or dislike me. Im not on earth to win a popularity contest. Im here to be the best human being I possibly can be. – Tab Hunter

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Having good health, being able to breathe and be happy, thats one of the most beautiful gifts. On top of that, I have the gift to play music and make people happy through that. Im just telling you from my heart, Im so in love with life. – Roy Ayers


I can understand why some people might look at me and say, Whats she got to be depressed about? I get that a lot in Britain, where mental health issues seem to be a big taboo. – Natalie Imbruglia


The bottom line is, Im blessed with good health. On top of that, I dont go around thinking Oh, Im 90, I better do this or I better do that. Im just Betty. Im the same Betty that Ive always been. Take it or leave it. – Betty White


Illegal immigrants are beginning to comprise a black market class of workers in our society, jeopardizing the financial health of companies which play by the rules, while themselves vulnerable to the exploitation by those willing to take advantage of their illegal status. – Spencer Bachus


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Do not breed. Nothing gives less pleasure than childbearing. Pregnancies are damaging to health, spoil the figure, wither the charms, and its the cloud of uncertainty forever hanging over these events that darkens a husbands mood. – Marquis De Sade


I have never found a companion that was so companionable as solitude. We are for the most part more lonely when we go abroad among men than when we stay in our chambers. A man thinking or working is always alone, let him be where he will. – Henry David Thoreau
