Quote by James Laughlin
I think that concrete poetry seems to have, as far as I can see, c

I think that concrete poetry seems to have, as far as I can see, come to a kind of a dead end. It doesnt seem to be going any further than it went in its high period of about five or six years ago. – James Laughlin

Other quotes by James Laughlin

Of course a poem is a two-way street. No poem is any good if it doesnt suggest to the reader things from his own mind and recollection that he will read into it, and will add to what the poet has suggested. But I do think poetry readings are very important. – James Laughlin

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Then, of course, there are those sad occasions when a poet or a writer has not grown, and one has to let them go because theyre just not making headway. But we have a very clear personal relationship with the authors. – James Laughlin

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There are numerous cases of that, where one of our writers discovers another writer whom he likes, and we then take that book on. So its a very close relationship. We can do that because were so small. – James Laughlin

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In my opinion, the most significant works of the twentieth century are those that rise beyond the conceptual tyranny of genre they are, at the same time, poetry, criticism, narrative, drama, etc. – Juan Goytisolo


You pick up loads of baggage with your first record with reaction to it from fans and critics. So I went to Ireland by myself for a couple of weeks with my guitar. I read lots of poetry, I read Patti Smiths autobiography and started words and phrases and then songs started to take shape. – Ellie Goulding


The novel is born of disillusionment the poem, of despair. – Jose Bergamin


Prose on certain occasions can bear a great deal of poetry on the other hand, poetry sinks and swoons under a moderate weight of prose. – Walter Savage Landor


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