Quote by Gennifer Flowers
I think that Bill and Hillary Clinton have a very special relation

I think that Bill and Hillary Clinton have a very special relationship and I think in very many ways to them its a very satisfying relationship. I think that its a mutual respect with a goal of power to achieve, maintain power. And I think that they have been good partners in that. – Gennifer Flowers

Other quotes by Gennifer Flowers

I have never lied about my relationship with Bill Clinton. The only proven liar, at this point, and the only admitted liar, is Bill Clinton not Gennifer Flowers, not Kathleen Willey, not Paula Jones and not Monica Lewinsky, at this point. He is the only proven liar. – Gennifer Flowers

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On several occasions, I discussed with Bill Clinton the subject of inquiries by the media about our relationship. He told me to continue to deny our relationship, that if we would stick together, everything would be okay. – Gennifer Flowers

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I met Bill Clinton in 1977 while I was working as a news reporter for KARK-TV in Little Rock, Arkansas. Shortly after we met, we began a sexual relationship that lasted for twelve years. – Gennifer Flowers

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