Quote by Sarah Hyland
I think success right now is not about how famous you are or how m

I think success right now is not about how famous you are or how much youre getting paid, but its more about if youre steadily working and youre happy with what youre doing. – Sarah Hyland

Other quotes by Sarah Hyland

When I was a child, I was unable to go to any type of sleepaway summer camp because of health issues. Once I learned about the Lopez Foundation, I knew I wanted to get involved, send kids with kidney disease away to camp so they can still experience overnight camp with medical needs at hand. – Sarah Hyland

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You know that family is going to be there for you no matter what. My dad gave me a freakin kidney! – Sarah Hyland

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Just because youre not famous, doesnt mean youre not good. – Laura Linney


Pulp existed for 12 years before we got famous. Now, you could say that was just lack of imagination, but its some kind of quality isnt it? Tenacity. You could also say it was sloth. – Jarvis Cocker


Kids will keep it real. If Ive ever had in my life a great anchor, its them. They get in your head, dont get too famous. If you think youre really famous and think youre really hip, go hang out with your kids for an afternoon. Thats about as earthbound as its going to get. – Lionel Richie


When famous people come up to you its a bit weird, but its an honour, really, when they recognise you and want to chat to you for a bit. – Wayne Rooney


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