Quote by Linda Cardellini
I think Im going to spend some time learning how to be a first-tim

I think Im going to spend some time learning how to be a first-time mom, and then Ill go back to work. – Linda Cardellini

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I played saxophone, so I was into jazz. I learned from each audience and each teacher that I had. I cant really tell you any rules or anything, but the way I develop my beliefs is really just by personally learning from different situations. – Chad Hugo


I got problems. I freak out, go to a shrink, go through all kinds of therapy and stuff, but Im learning how to deal with it. Thats why Ive chosen one hour a night to get all of my aggressions out. to really tell the world the way I feel. – Jonathan Davis


I think Im learning to be bolder in my career choices and be more confident in my personal life. I havent always felt very secure as an individual, but now I feel I certain confidence and sense of self that gets me through the day a lot better than before. – Winona Ryder


When I was first learning songs, Id have a favorite song, and Id take the chords and twist them around. Id learn the chords and then play them backward. That was my first experimenting with writing a song. – Alicia Keys


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