Quote by Teddy Thompson
I think Im too cynical for L.A. My sense of humor doesnt go down w

I think Im too cynical for L.A. My sense of humor doesnt go down well here, which probably affects my love life. I need to have a laugh track following me around so people know Im trying to be funny. – Teddy Thompson

Other quotes by Teddy Thompson

Its amazing that you can listen to any song and you can always tell when theres some substance beneath it and when there isnt. Even if its poetically written and technically brilliant, Id rather hear something thats all over the place but has some soul to it. – Teddy Thompson

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I like England more than I did when I left. Its become a bit of a better country in the last ten years, in the attitude of it. A bit more Americanized, which is both good and bad. At least when you order a cup of coffee they dont give you a hard time. – Teddy Thompson

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I love the sad songs with their maudlin, self-deprecating, almost funny lyrics. As an Englishman, they make a lot of sense. – Teddy Thompson

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A sense of humor keen enough to show a man his own absurdities will keep him from the commission of all sins, or nearly all, save those worth committing. – Samuel Butler


Its great to be able to connect parents with children both emotionally and through humor. I look forward to exploring family entertainment once again and examining the specifics of our day-to-day lives against the backdrop of an extraordinary adventure. – Jon Favreau


Were starting to push the envelope in terms of the expectations, and you can also have your own style, personality and sense of humor, because now were allowed to. – Lisa Guerrero


Our subconscious minds have no sense of humor, play no jokes and cannot tell the difference between reality and an imagined thought or image. What we continually think about eventually will manifest in our lives. – Robert Collier


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