Quote by Billie Holiday
They think they can make fuel from horse manure - now, I dont know

They think they can make fuel from horse manure – now, I dont know if your car will be able to get 30 miles to the gallon, but its sure gonna put a stop to siphoning. – Billie Holiday

Other quotes by Billie Holiday

In this country, dont forget, a habit is no damn private hell. Theres no solitary confinement outside of jail. A habit is hell for those you love. And in this country its the worst kind of hell for those who love you. – Billie Holiday

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When you buy a gallon of gas, over 60 percent of the energy you pay for goes out the radiator in the form of waste heat? Thats why you have a radiator in your car in the first place. – Wilson Greatbatch


I would never kill a living thing, although I probably have inadvertently while driving automobiles. – Don Van Vliet


I am an artist. The track is my canvas, and the car is my brush. – Graham Hill


I quit after a bad car accident. The thing about boxing is that you can be a star for five or six years, but when you go back to the old life, its tough. – Olivier Martinez


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