Quote by David Mamet
Theres nothing in the world more silent than the telephone the mor

Theres nothing in the world more silent than the telephone the morning after everybody pans your play. It wont ring from room service your mother wont be calling you. If the phone has not rung by 8 in the morning, youre dead. – David Mamet

Other quotes by David Mamet

If, indeed, a firearm were more dangerous to its possessors than to potential aggressors, would it not make sense for the government to arm all criminals, and let them accidentally shoot themselves? Is this absurd? Yes, and yet the government, of course, is arming criminals. – David Mamet

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The product of the artist has become less important than the fact of the artist. We wish to absorb this person. We wish to devour someone who has experienced the tragic. In our society this person is much more important than anything he might create. – David Mamet

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The worst part about pregnancy would definitely have to be my nausea. I dont know why its just called morning sickness because morning sickness never just happened in the morning for me and its not happening just in the morning for my sister. – Tia Mowry


Early on the next morning we reached Kansas, about five hundred miles from the mouth of the Missouri. – Francis Parkman


London is completely unpredictable when it comes to weather. Youll start a scene, and its a beautiful morning. You get there at 6 in the morning, set up, you start the scene, start shooting. Three hours later, it is pitch black and rainy. – David Schwimmer


Luxury is an ancient notion. There was once a Chinese mandarin who had himself wakened three times every morning simply for the pleasure of being told it was not yet time to get up. – Argosy


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