Quote by Renny Harlin
There were a lot of people dreaming about making films, and they w

There were a lot of people dreaming about making films, and they would finance maybe 6 films a year. Because they were funded by the government, the films sort-of had to deal with serious social issues – and, as a result, nobody went to see those films. – Renny Harlin

Other quotes by Renny Harlin

You want to do something that shows some type individuality and talent and imagination – at the same time, you want to be truthful to the predecessors, because obviously the audience liked something about them and you have to replicate that experience to a certain extent. – Renny Harlin

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Eventually I did that, but it took a lot of twists and turns, and there were a year or two there where I was living with no money at all – no home, no car, no nothing. I was living in somebodys garage in Los Angeles at that point – for a year. – Renny Harlin

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To be fair, lying is part and parcel of public life. Every politician has lied about something because they are owned by the special interest groups that finance their elections. – Peter Schuyler


We were told this war would be over in a matter of weeks, and that the Iraqis would be able to finance it with oil sales. We were promised it was not a mission of nation building. – Sherrod Brown


Small- and medium-sized businesses need access to a diverse range of finance options, including non-bank lending. These new forms of finance are still small in scale today but they should, over time, bring additional choice and greater competition to the lending market. – Vince Cable


In Australia, they set up a special fund to kick films off. It was quite an enlightened sort of move. You could go to this government bureau with scripts and and get finance for films. – Bruce Beresford


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