Now, there are some who would like to rewrite history - revisionis

Now, there are some who would like to rewrite history – revisionist historians is what I like to call them. – George W. Bush

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The South creates the civilizations, the North conquers them, ruins them, borrows from them, spreads them: this is one summary of history. – Will and Ariel Durant, Lessons of History


History shows that when the church accommodates culture, it weakens it. – Rick Warren


With the perspective afforded by the passage of time, where does 9/11 rank as a turning point in our national history? For the victims and their families, innocents going about their lives, suddenly and brutally murdered, no other day can ever matter as much. – Jon Meacham


In my early 20s, I studied history and politics, and I really thought that perhaps I would devote my life to that. – Wallace Shawn


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