Quote by George Eliot
There are some cases in which the sense of injury breeds -- not th

There are some cases in which the sense of injury breeds — not the will to inflict injuries and climb over them as a ladder, but — a hatred of all injury. – George Eliot

Other quotes by George Eliot

Vanity is as ill at ease under indifference as tenderness is under a love which it cannot return. – George Eliot

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There is a sort of subjection which is the peculiar heritage of largeness and of love; and strength is often only another name for willing bondage to irremediable weakness. – George Eliot

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Other Quotes from
Hurt, Injury

The marks you receive in the school of experience are mostly bruises. – Source Unknown

Hurt, Injury

Its a fact that it is much more comfortable to be in the position of the person who has been offended than to be the unfortunate cause of it. – Barbara Walters

Hurt, Injury

Children show scars like medals. Lovers use them as secrets to reveal. A scar is what happens when the word is made flesh. – Leonard Cohen

Hurt, Injury

The troubles of the young are soon over; they leave no external mark. If you wound the tree in its youth the bark will quickly cover the gash; but when the tree is very old, peeling the bark off, and looking carefully, you will see the scar there still. All that is buried is not dead. – Olive Schreiner

Hurt, Injury

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