Quote by Charles Spalding
There was endless action - not just football, but sailboats, tenni

There was endless action – not just football, but sailboats, tennis and other things: movement. There was endless talk – the ambassador at the head of the table laying out the prevailing wisdom, but everyone else weighing in with their opinions and taking part. – Charles Spalding

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Growing up, sports was my outlet, my way to portray a personality. I was very shy around people but, through sports, something I was good at, I was able to make friends. – Curtis Joseph


One of my first jobs was at the Boston Globe. I worked in the sports department six months a year. When I was ready to graduate, the sports editor gave me a job as a schoolboy sports writer. – Will McDonough


Thats the difference between golf and many other sports. You go to some other sporting events, they just leave you or give you the cold shoulder and move on. – Bernhard Langer


The human spirit sublimates
the impulses it thwarts:
a healthy sex life mitigates
the lust for other sports. – Piet Hein


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