We found that the most exciting environments, that treated people very well, are also tough as nails. There is no bureaucratic mumbo-jumbo… excellent companies provide two things simultaneously: tough environments and very supportive environments. – Thomas J. Peters
It is a curious situation that the sea, from which life first arose, should now be threatened by the activities of one form of that life. – Rachel Carson
In America today you can murder land for private profit. You can leave the corpse for all to see, and nobody calls the cops. – Paul Brooks, The Pursuit of Wilderness, 1971
The want of logic annoys. Too much logic bores. Life eludes logic, and everything that logic alone constructs remains artificial and forced. – Andre Gide
I have such a profound respect for what they do day in and day out. This USO tour is especially meaningful because of the friends I have met and I am honored to be apart of it. – Karl Malone