Swimming is one of the hardest sports. – Stephanie Rice
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As a kid I was fascinated with sports, and I loved sports more than anything else. The first books I read were about sports, like books about Baseball Joe, as one baseball hero was called. – Robert Jay Lifton
I would venture to guess that if I was a construction worker… who requested a transfer to another department for the betterment of his family, I would be commended for it. But because its sports, theres just so much passion added to it. – Derek Fisher
I strongly believe the black culture spends too much time, energy and effort raising, praising, and teasing our black children about the dubious glories of professional sports. – Arthur Ashe
There are kids who get on a BMX bike when theyre eight years old and they go, Whoa, this is incredible, and grow up to do extreme sports. Its the same for me with acting. – Joaquin Phoenix
I cant tell you how scary it can be walking onto a movie and suddenly joining this family, its like going to somebody elses Christmas dinner, everyone knows everyone, and youre there and youre not quite sure what youre supposed to be doing. – John Cleese
I think kids slowly begin to realize that what theyre learning relates to other things they know. Then learning starts to get more and more exciting. – Norton Juster