I suppose every old scholar has had the experience of reading some

I suppose every old scholar has had the experience of reading something in a book which was significant to him, but which he could never find again. Sure he is that he read it there; but no one else ever read it, nor can he find it again, though he buy the book and ransack every page. – Ralph Waldo Emerson

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The attribution of a speaker is in fact a part of the quotation. Some statements simply are better if a certain famous person said them. – Gary Saul Morson, “Bakhtin, The Genres of Quotation, and The Aphoristic Consciou


Apothegms are the wisdom of the past condensed for the instruction and guidance of the present. – Tryon Edwards


Most of the noted literary men have indulged in the prudent habit of selecting favorite passages for future reference. – Charles F. Schutz, Sayings: Proverbs, Maxims, Mottoes, 1915


That part of a work of one author found in another is not of itself piracy, or sufficient to support an action; a man may adopt part of the work of another; he may so make use of another’s labors for the promotion of science and the benefit of the public. – Lord Ellenborough, quoted in Bouvier’s Law Dictionary by John Bouvier, 8th


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An Inuit hunter asked the local missionary priest: “If I did not know about God and sin, would I go to hell?” “No,” said the priest, “not if you did not know.” “Then why,” asked the Inuit earnestly, “did you tell me?” – Annie Dillard, Pilgrim at Tinker Creek


I saw Taxi Driver, and Taxi Driver kind of saved my life. The scene where Robert De Niro is looking at himself in the mirror saying, You talkin to me? You talkin to me? Who the hell else are you talkin to? Thats the scene that changed my life by changing my attitude about acting. – Michael Biehn
