Skin has become inadequate in interfacing with reality. Technology

Skin has become inadequate in interfacing with reality. Technology has become the bodys new membrane of existence. – Nam June Paik

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Despite my emphasis on technology, I do not view laws as inherently evil. My goals are political ones, even if my techniques are not. The only way to fundamentally succeed is by changing existing laws. If I rejected all help from the political arena I would inevitably fail. – Bram Cohen


But some great records are are being made with todays technology and there are still great artists among us. Likewise there are artists today who are so reliant on modern technology, they wouldnt have emerged when recording was more organic. – Tony Visconti


That work led to the emergence of the recombinant DNA technology thereby providing a major tool for analyzing mammalian gene structure and function and formed the basis for me receiving the 1980 Nobel Prize in Chemistry. – Paul Berg


Technology makes things faster and more cost-effective, but its not perfect. It requires you to be as flexible as you can be. – John Phillips


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The president, just as any other American, deserves a legal defense against personal lawsuits not related to his office. But the costs of that defense should be borne by him and not the taxpayer. – Ben Nighthorse Campbell


My health may be better preserved if I exert myself less, but in the end doesnt each person give his life for his calling? – Clara Schumann
