Its simply a matter of doing what you do best and not worrying abo

Its simply a matter of doing what you do best and not worrying about what the other fellow is going to do. – John R. Amos

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Success & Failure

Success always occurs in private, and failure in full view. – Anon.

For what is the best choice, for each individual is the highest it is possible for him to achieve. – Aristotle

Success has nothing to do with happiness. – Gillian Anderson

Prosperity discovers vice, adversity discovers virtue. – Francis Bacon

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The intelligent man who is proud of his intelligence is like the condemned man who is proud of his large cell. – Simone Weil


Women can stand a beating except when it is with their own weapons. – Samuel Butler


A man is two people, himself and his cøck. A man always takes his friend to the party. Of the two, the friend is the nicer, being more able to show his feelings. – Beryl Bainbridge


It lies in human nature that where you experience your first laughs, you also remember the age kindly. – Vaclav Havel
