Quote by Wesley Morris
Sidney Poitier became a star in part by helping black and white Am

Sidney Poitier became a star in part by helping black and white Americans negotiate their new relationship in the post-Civil Rights era. – Wesley Morris

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In movies, there are some things the French do that Americans are increasingly incapable of doing. One is honoring the complexities of youth. Its a quiet, difficult undertaking, requiring subtlety in a filmmaker and perception and patience from us. – Wesley Morris

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There comes a point in your moviegoing life where you look at the screen and then you look at the world and you ask, What is going on? You want the movies to show you the chaos and mess and risk and failure that are normal for a lot of us. Generally, the movies hide all of that. – Wesley Morris

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Computers are scary. Theyre nightmares to fix, lose our stuff, and, on occasion, they crash, producing the blue screen of death. Steve Jobs knew this. He knew that computers were bulky and hernia-inducing and Darth Vader black. He understood the value of declarative design. – Wesley Morris

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On the Native American front, we have turned a new page in the 400-year history of the interface between the American settlers of this country and the nations first Americans. Thats included a new relationship where the sovereignty of tribes is in fact recognized. – Ken Salazar


I didnt have a boyfriend until I was 16, and he was eight years older. My father was furious about this 24-year-old, and I had to hide the relationship. – Ellen Pompeo


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