Quote by Rodney Atkins
I was a sickly baby, and after two sets of adoptive parents took m

I was a sickly baby, and after two sets of adoptive parents took me home, they returned me to the orphanage because of a serious respiratory infection. But as they say, the third times a charm, because my mom and dad adopted me and took me into their home where I was raised in a family full of love. – Rodney Atkins

Other quotes by Rodney Atkins

I could be on 52nd and Third in Manhattan up and ask a strange for directions and they will help you, thats a rural heart. Your car breaks down in the middle of Iowa or somewhere, or Tennessee where Im from, people want to help each other. Given each opportunity, you see how people come together. – Rodney Atkins

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Theres a book called The Shack – it had a lot to do with me coming full circle, meeting my birth mother. Awhile back, my birth mom and my adopted mom came to my show together, and it was pretty surreal. – Rodney Atkins

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When youre adopted, no matter what, youve got issues with unconditional love. And you find out youre the product of the worst situation for a young girl to be in and start her life, and Im so grateful that my birth mom made the decision she made. She came from a rough situation. – Rodney Atkins

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My Dad, a small-town lawyer, was also named Paul. Until we lost him when I was 16, he was a gentle presence in my life. I like to think hed be proud of me and my sister and brothers, because Im sure proud of him and of where I come from, Janesville, Wisconsin. – Paul Ryan


I hate being clean-shaven. My daughter gets very upset if I shave and says, Bring back the spikes, Dad. – Eric Bana


My kids love it. I thought I was the coolest dad in the world when I got to be in a Bond film, but Harry Potter, too? Well, I think I qualify for a medal for exceptional parenting or something, dont you? – Robbie Coltraine


Growing up, I had a front row seat to seeing two people work really hard. My dad scrubbed toilets at a private Catholic school for a while, and that was to help me get through school. – Mia Love


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