Quote by David Ortiz
My mom, shes still always there for me. Always. - David Ortiz

My mom, shes still always there for me. Always. – David Ortiz

Other quotes by David Ortiz

I start thinking about life after death. Ive got to quit thinking about it because its very deep. Very deep. Sometimes you start thinking about it, and you dont feel like you want to be alive, so I dont like to get all quiet. – David Ortiz

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My mom, she wasnt like a baseball mother who knew everything about the game. She just wanted me to be happy with what I was doing. – David Ortiz

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Ive always been a writer because Ive always been a student. My moms a retired professor, so I come from a very academic background. I love writing, you know? – Kerry Washington


Im a better mother if Im also doing my work. Some women find a lot more satisfaction from doing the hardest job, which is being a mom. But I like my day job, so I juggle a lot. – Katey Sagal


Ive been an atheist since I was nine years old. And my mom is really religious, so we have a strange relationship. But if my mother was right, what would be the reason that the gods could let anything bad happen in the world? – Tarsem Singh


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