Happiness in intelligent people is the rarest thing I know. – Ernest Hemingway (Thanks, Schanna) Category: Curmudgeonesque
The Bible tells us to love our neighbors, and also to love our enemies; probably because they are generally the same people. – G.K. Chesterton Category: Curmudgeonesque
It is people who make me seasick—not the sea. But I am afraid that science has yet to find a solution for this ailment. – Albert Einstein, 1930 Category: Curmudgeonesque
The enthusiastic, to those who are not, are always something of a trial. – Alban Goodier Category: Curmudgeonesque
The upward course of a nations history is due in the long run to the soundness of heart of its average men and women. – Queen Elizabeth II Category: History
Its sad, something coming to an end. It cracks you open, in a way – cracks you open to feeling. – Jennifer Aniston Category: sad
To declare that in the administration of criminal law the end justifies the means to declare that the Government may commit crimes in order to secure conviction of a private criminal would bring terrible retribution. – Louis D. Brandeis Category: Government