Quote by Turkish Proverb
No road is long with good company. - Turkish Proverb

No road is long with good company. – Turkish Proverb

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Best Friends

That was the thing about best friends. Like sisters and mothers, they could piss you off and make you cry and break your heart, but in the end, when the chips were down, they were there, making you laugh even in your darkest hours. – Kristin Hannah, Firefly Lane

Best Friends

Best friends make the good times better and the hard times easier. – Author unknown

Best Friends

Talking to your best friend is sometimes all the therapy you need. – Author unknown

Best Friends

Are we not like two volumes of one book? – Marceline Desbordes-Valmore

Best Friends

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Now that women are jockeys, baseball umpires, atomic scientists, and business executives, maybe someday they can master parallel parking. – Bill Vaughan
