An infinite God ought to be able to protect Himself, without going in partnership with State Legislatures. – Robert Ingersoll, quoted in Ingersoll the Magnificent
Belief in God is but a whistling in the dark; harmless, enough, perhaps — until it is wedded to the notion that all should carry the same tune. – Dr. Idel Dreimer,
Religion must completely encircle the spirit of ethical man like his element, and this luminous chaos of divine thoughts and feelings is called enthusiasm. – Karl Wilhelm Friedrich Schlegel
Selling public property is the true Chicago way. Had Mr. Obama not been elected president, the nations business journals would be falling over one another to praise his city for its daring, market-friendly innovations. – Thomas Frank
My father probably thought the capital of the world was wherever he was at the time. It couldnt possibly be anyplace else. Where he and his wife were in their own home, that, for them, was the capital of the world. – Bob Dylan