Religion is the impotence of the human mind to deal with occurrences it cannot understand. – Karl Marx
The production of too many useful things results in too many useless people. – Karl Marx
Religion is the impotence of the human mind to deal with occurrences it cannot understand. – Karl Marx
The production of too many useful things results in too many useless people. – Karl Marx
It is absolutely impossible to transcend the laws of nature. What can change in historically different circumstances is only the form in which these laws expose themselves. – Karl Marx
A commodity appears at first sight an extremely obvious, trivial thing. But its analysis brings out that it is a very strange thing, abounding in metaphysical subtleties and theological niceties. – Karl Marx
You cannot live to please everyone else. You have to edify, educate and fulfill your own dreams and destiny, and hope that whatever your art is that youre putting out there, if its received, great, I respect you for receiving it. If its not received, great, I respect you for not. – Octavia Spencer