Quote by Marcus Allen
It really lasted the whole game, because I was really untouchable,

It really lasted the whole game, because I was really untouchable, unstoppable that game. But it was heightened on one particular play, and that was the longest run where everything completely slowed down. My awareness was so keen, it was so heightened, it was really amazing. – Marcus Allen

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Well just meeting J. K. Rowling was amazing because she created all this world. And all the fans, we all get so obsessed with it and then you met the one person who made it all up. It was just so amazing. And I was just so amazed that that she wrote this book and all of the films have happened. – Evanna Lynch


The real art is not to come up with extraordinary clever words but to make ordinary simple words do extraordinary things. To use the language that we all use and to make amazing things occur. – Graham Swift


People never cease to amaze me. – Tina Yothers


I would love to work with Anthony Hopkins I would love to work with Meryl Streep I would love to work with DeNiro I would love to work with Johnny Depp Id love to work with Brad Pitt, Matt Damon, Gwyneth Paltrow… I think shes amazing. – Tara Reid


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