No race can prosper till it learns there is as much dignity in til

No race can prosper till it learns there is as much dignity in tilling a field as in writing a poem. – Booker T. Washington

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Black History
[W]e are the heirs of a past of rope, fire, and murder. I for one am not ashamed of this past. My shame is for those who became so inhuman that they could inflict this torture upon us. – Martin Luther King, Jr.

Black History

And so we shall have to do more than register and more than vote; we shall have to create leaders who embody virtues we can respect, who have moral and ethical principles we can applaud with enthusiasm. – Martin Luther King,Jr.

Black History

We have learned to fly the air like birds and swim the sea like fish, but we have not learned the simple art of living together as brothers. Our abundance has brought us neither peace of mind nor serenity of spirit. – Martin Luther King,Jr.

Black History

The Negro is the child of two cultures – Africa and America. The problem is that in the search for wholeness all too many Negroes seek to embrace only one side of their natures. – Martin Luther King,Jr.

Black History

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