I am prejudiced in favor of him who, without impudence, can ask bo

I am prejudiced in favor of him who, without impudence, can ask boldly. He has faith in humanity, and faith in himself. No one who is not accustomed to giving grandly can ask nobly and with boldness. – Johann Kaspar Lavater

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Faith gives you an inner strength and a sense of balance and perspective in life. – Gregory Peck


Thank goodness I had a great family growing up, a great foundation. But I will say my faith, my parents, my family, all that stuff is very, very important. And Ill say that until the day I die. – Donny Osmond


If we are strong, and have faith in life and its richness of surprises, and hold the rudder steadily in our hands. I am sure we will sail into quiet and pleasent waters for our old age. – Freya Stark


We are the meeting place, an entity thats trying to connect faith and culture. – William P. Leahy


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