The power of choosing good and evil is within the reach of all. – Origen
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The ability of writers to imagine what is not the self, to familiarize the strange and mystify the familiar, is the test of their power. – Toni Morrison
Everyone asks me about being so worried or thinking about existence as if Im the only person who cant understand why a tree grows the way it does or why a person is in power when theyre not that great. These are questions everyone has. – Chris Martin
If one can stick to the training throughout the many long years, then will power is no longer a problem. Its raining? That doesnt matter. I am tired? Thats besides the point. Its simply that I just have to. – Emil Zatopek
Mr. Chairman, delegates. I accept your nomination for President of the United States of America. I do so with humility, deeply moved by the trust you have placed in me. It is a great honor. It is an even greater responsibility. – Mitt Romney