Quote by Frederick Bailes
Man?s power of choice enables him to think like an angel or a devi

Man?s power of choice enables him to think like an angel or a devil, a king or a slave. Whatever he chooses, mind will create and manifest. – Frederick Bailes

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Each person designs his own life, freedom gives him the power to carry out his own designs, and power gives the freedom to interfere with the designs of others. – Eric Berne


Its so hard when I have to, And so easy when I want to. – Sondra Anice Barnes


Every person, all the events of your life are there because you have drawn them there. What you choose to do with them is up to you. – Richard Bach


Every choice moves us closer to or farther away from something. Where are your choices taking your life? What do your behaviors demonstrate that you are saying yes or no to in life? – Eric Allenbaugh


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