Quote by Major Owens
The ownership of computers in the home is far less than the statis

The ownership of computers in the home is far less than the statistics show, because usually when the computer breaks down once, that is the end of it for a long, long time. They do not have the money or incentive to get the computer repaired. – Major Owens

Other quotes by Major Owens

We can not wait until we have enough trained people willing to work at a teachers salary and under conditions imposed upon teachers in order to improve what happens in the classroom. – Major Owens

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We can close the gap and improve what happens in the classroom by using educational technology that is the same high quality everywhere. – Major Owens

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Technology tools such as laptops are the kind of help that we need. A program that provides laptops for all youngsters would close a gap that most of us are not aware of, or will not admit to, which is a tremendous gap in the poor communities. – Major Owens

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Obviously, our children, who have been playing with their computers since the age of five or six, dont have quite the same brain as those who were brought up on wooden or metal toys, whose brains are certainly atrophied by comparison. – Claude Vorilhon


Weve been working now with computers and education for 30 years, computers in developing countries for 20 years, and trying to make low-cost machines for 10 years. This is not a sudden turn down the road. – Nicholas Negroponte


If I was designing a web site for elementary school children, I might have a much higher percentage of older computers with outdated browsers since keeping up with browser and hardware technology has not traditionally been a strong point of most elementary schools. – Mike Davidson


Its hardware that makes a machine fast. Its software that makes a fast machine slow. – Craig Bruce


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I would like to see every parent either directly – if they are comfortable with the technology – or through a personal tutor, being able to access real-time information about their child. – Jim Knight


There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. – Minnie Aumonier


The coward threatens when he is safe. – Johann von Goethe

The last thing family and friends want is for you to spend money on them that you dont have or that you cant really spare. – Suze Orman
