Quote by Dennis Muren
Other times you can get showy for three minutes, and thats OK with

Other times you can get showy for three minutes, and thats OK with certain films. But that isnt right with an Ang Lee movie, you have to fit right in. You have to understand Ang, respect him and be part of the team and not be in charge of it – he is in charge of it. – Dennis Muren

Other quotes by Dennis Muren

I have never had trouble with any actor being able to visualise things. They are amazing. As long as you have your monster head on a long stick, so you can hold it up there and you can wave it around and let them see it and explain it to them, they are just great. – Dennis Muren

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So much of it is the design of the shot or the motion of the character its the work you do so that it has the same things that are in the movie. In just a few frames its got to communicate something clearly and dramatically. – Dennis Muren

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I did learn that it was the greatest thing in the world to respect yourself. Respect other people. – Little Milton


There are so many things to think about when you make an album. Like, who am I trying to impress? Am I going to get respect, critical acclaim? Or am I going to sell lots of records? – Ellie Goulding


If you have some respect for people as they are, you can be more effective in helping them to become better than they are. – John W. Gardner


At sea a fellow comes out. Salt water is like wine, in that respect. – Herman Melville


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