Quote by Dana Plato
Im open-minded. I dont consider myself gay or hetero, I just am. I

Im open-minded. I dont consider myself gay or hetero, I just am. Ive had experiences all over the planet but it always comes down to just me, but I think at this point if I had an ongoing relationship I believe it would be with a man. – Dana Plato

Other quotes by Dana Plato

Im learning to play by the rules. I sort of hate to think of it that way, but thats how it is. Im really learning to function out there and in such a way that I dont need to drink. – Dana Plato

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Ive learned through experience that life is never that bad. The secret is just paying attention to how you feel and not letting anyone else dictate what in your heart you know is right. – Dana Plato

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In any relationship that comes to an end, theres never just a baseline reason why. You say, Oh, I broke up with my girlfriend. Someone says, Why? You say, Well, you got three hours? And then maybe after I tell you my version, youve got to talk to her. – Michael Rapaport


Afghanistan is going to be here a long time, and whats critical is that Afghanistans relationship with its neighbors are, to the maximum extent they can be, constructive and operationally useful. – John R. Allen


I was always in trouble from an early age. I had a fraught relationship with my parents, who were very traditional. Doing plays at school was a joyous release. – Naveen Andrews


Ive definitely, you know, been with women. And Ive had great relationships with them where I was definitely in love. Its just I grew to a point where deep inside I knew that I could never truly have a relationship with a woman. I dont know if they ever suspected. It was never brought up. – Lance Bass


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