Quote by Elizabeth Moss
Obviously, my life and my job in 2010 is very different from Peggy

Obviously, my life and my job in 2010 is very different from Peggys experience in the 1960s. I exist in a world that enjoys more equality between men and women. But I dont take any of that into my performance. I just want to play the character as who she is as an individual – scene to scene. – Elizabeth Moss

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Equality is the public recognition, effectively expressed in institutions and manners, of the principle that an equal degree of attention is due to the needs of all human beings. – Simone Weil


Vote Love means vote equality. It means vote change. It means vote whats right for humanity. – Macklemore


I should like to suggest to you that the cause of all the economic troubles is that we have an economic system which tries to maintain an equality of value between two things, which it would be better to recognise from the beginning as of unequal value. – Paul Dirac


How are men to be secured in any rights without instruction how to be secured in the equal exercise of those rights without equality of instruction? By instruction understand me to mean knowledge – just knowledge not talent, not genius, not inventive mental powers. – Frances Wright


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