Quote by John Hughes
I was obsessed with romance. When I was in high school, I saw Doct

I was obsessed with romance. When I was in high school, I saw Doctor Zhivago every day from the day it opened until the day it left the theater. – John Hughes

Other quotes by John Hughes

Its like being at the kids table at Thanksgiving – you can put your elbows on it, you dont have to talk politics… no matter how old I get, theres always a part of me thats sitting there. – John Hughes

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I always preferred to hang out with the outcasts, cause they were cooler they had better taste in music, for one thing, I guess because they had more time to develop one with the lack of social interaction they had! – John Hughes

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I so desperately hate to end these movies that the first thing I do when Im done is write another one. Then I dont feel sad about having to leave and everybody going away. – John Hughes

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I dont really make movies because I want to see my face on a billboard or because I want to get good reviews or have a big box office. That doesnt really matter to me at all. – Joaquin Phoenix


But when youre writing a script – for me anyway – you have to sort of create an enforced innocence. You have to divest yourself of worrying about a lot of stuff like what movies are hot, what movies are not hot, what the budget of this movie might be. – David Cronenberg


You know when Hollywood does a great big blockbuster that really wraps you up in a world, and lets you believe in extraordinary things that move you in some way, in an almost operatic sensibility? That to me is the most fun I have at the movies. – Christopher Nolan


I like to think the movies that Ive picked have something worthwhile to say. Something relevant. – Mark Ruffalo


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