Quote by Simone Weil
Nothing is less instructive than a machine. - Simone Weil

Nothing is less instructive than a machine. – Simone Weil

Other quotes by Simone Weil

Evil, when we are in its power, is not felt as evil, but as a necessity, even a duty. – Simone Weil

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The only way into truth is through ones own annihilation through dwelling a long time in a state of extreme and total humiliation. – Simone Weil

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Humanism was not wrong in thinking that truth, beauty, liberty, and equality are of infinite value, but in thinking that man can get them for himself without grace. – Simone Weil

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Other Quotes from
Machines, Machinery

The vast material displacements the machine has made in our physical environment are perhaps in the long run less important than its spiritual contributions to our culture. – Lewis Mumford

Man will never be enslaved by machinery if the man tending the machine be paid enough. – Karel Capek

For man is not the creature and product of Mechanism; but, in a far truer sense, its creator and producer. – Thomas Carlyle

If the world would only build temples to Machinery in the abstract then everything would be perfect. The painter and sculptor would have plenty to do, and could, in complete peace and suitably honored, pursue their trade without further trouble. – Percy Wynham Lewis

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