Quote by Paul Hornung
Never get married in the morning - you never know who you might me

Never get married in the morning – you never know who you might meet that night. – Paul Hornung

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Not again! I thought to myself this morning, as news trickled out that John McCain was set to pick Alaska governor Sarah Palin as his running mate. Not again, because too often women are promoted for the wrong reasons, and then blamed when things dont go right. – Dee Dee Myers


The problem with growing up in a cafe was the cafe never closed, my parents worked every day of the year from morning to night. So it was a big menagerie of kids, business and cooking! – Anthony Minghella


I never knew a man come to greatness or eminence who lay abed late in the morning. – Jonathan Swift


I like being in movies that have a great story. Im not so interested in being a Hollywood star. Its a job, you know. When you wake up at six in the morning every day for a week, it feels like hard work. – Kristen Stewart


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