Quote by James Ellroy
I am the most well-adjusted human being I know. I started out this

I am the most well-adjusted human being I know. I started out this investigation as a very happy man with a great career. Ive got the life people dream about: I am rich, I am famous, Ive got a fabulous marriage to an absolutely, spell-bindingly brilliant woman. – James Ellroy

Other quotes by James Ellroy

As much as I transferred my mother to Elizabeth Shore of The Black Dahlia, as much as her dad mutated into an obsession with crime in general, well, I have thought about other things throughout the years. – James Ellroy

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The 1950s to me is darkness, hidden history, perversion behind most doors waiting to creep out. The 1950s to most people is kitsch and Mickey Mouse watches and all this intolerable stuff… – James Ellroy

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Ive always had confidence. Before I was famous, that confidence got me into trouble. After I got famous, it just got me into more trouble. – Bruce Willis


I love being famous. Its almost like being white. – Chris Rock


Hollywood people want to build you up and make you famous only to knock you off youre the pedestal they built for you. – Morgan Brittany


No matter how famous and established they were or however blessed they were with great songs or long careers, if they lived alone, they lived alone. Thats not the way I wanted to live prior to the tour or after. – Edie Brickell


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