Quote by Jeff Bridges
Id maybe done about 12 movies when I decided that this was what I

Id maybe done about 12 movies when I decided that this was what I was going to do. – Jeff Bridges

Other quotes by Jeff Bridges

I think theres a real joy in going to see movies when you discover them yourself. – Jeff Bridges

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As far as the lack of hits goes, I think perhaps its because Ive played a lot of different roles and have not created a persona that the public can latch on to. I have played everything from psychopathic killers to romantic leading men, and in picking such diverse roles I have avoided typecasting. – Jeff Bridges

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Im very much into the costuming of any character that I portray and its one of the great things about making movies is its a collaborative art form so you get all these artists who are looking specifically about for this instance your characters costume and what that might tell about your character. – Jeff Bridges

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I was striving to be the most muscular man, and it got me into the movies. It got me everything that I have. – Arnold Schwarzenegger


Kids end up seeing my movies anyway but some of the mothers get mad at me so I figured Id make one that I cant get yelled at for. – Adam Sandler


I always leave that for other people to decide, because some of the things I consider to be disasters are some peoples favorite movies. And thats what I like so much, is that you never know. Something intrigues somebody and means nothing to somebody else. – Christian Bale


Movies have takes. But plays are like life – you dont really get takes. – Chris Rock


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