Quote by David Bohm
Yet it looks as if the thing we use to solve our problems with is

Yet it looks as if the thing we use to solve our problems with is the source of our problems. Its like going to the doctor and having him make you ill. In fact, in 20% of medical cases we do apparently have that going on. But in the case of thought, its far over 20%. – David Bohm

Other quotes by David Bohm

Suppose we were able to share meanings freely without a compulsive urge to impose our view or conform to those of others and without distortion and self-deception. Would this not constitute a real revolution in culture? – David Bohm

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Then there is the further question of what is the relationship of thinking to reality. As careful attention shows, thought itself is in an actual process of movement. – David Bohm

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In some sense man is a microcosm of the universe; therefore what man is, is a clue to the universe. We are enfolded in the universe. – David Bohm

Universe, The
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What a doctor wants… is practice. He shall have me. He will get more practice out of me than out of seventeen hundred of your ordinary, commonplace patients, with only one or two diseases each. – Jerome K. Jerome, Three Men in a Boat (To Say Nothing of the Dog), 1889 — spea


It is astonishing how much more anxious people are to lengthen life than to improve it; and as misers often lose large sums of money in attempting to make more, so do hypochondriacs squander large sums of time in search of nostrums by which they vainly hope they may get more time to squander. – Charles Caleb Colton (1780–1832), Lacon: or, Many Things in Few Words; Add


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