Quote by Douglas MacArthur
Like the old soldier of the ballad, I now close my military career

Like the old soldier of the ballad, I now close my military career and just fade away, an old soldier who tried to do his duty as God gave him the light to see that duty. Goodbye. – Douglas MacArthur

Other quotes by Douglas MacArthur

I am concerned for the security of our great Nation not so much because of any threat from without, but because of the insidious forces working from within. – Douglas MacArthur

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I was baptized alongside my mother when I was 8 years old. Since then, I have tried to walk a Christian life. And now that Im getting older, I realized that Im walking even closer with my God. – Andy Griffith


Uncontrolled, the hunger and thirst after God may become an obstacle, cutting off the soul from what it desires. If a man would travel far along the mystic road, he must learn to desire God intensely but in stillness, passively and yet with all his heart and mind and strength. – Aldous Huxley


I used to think like Moses. That knocked me down for a couple years and put me in prison. Then I start thinking like Job. Job waited and became the wealthiest and richest man ever cause he believed in God. – James Brown


But from there you will seek the Lord you God and you will find Him if you search for Him with all your heart and all your soul. Deuteronomy 4:29 – Bible


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